P1 - Visual Info Processing System

Phase I:

•  Complete Reading #1 and post chapter synopsis and/or outline.

•  Compose a rough ‘schematic’ sketch of the how the brain processes information.
   Use a black marker on an 11x17 sheet of paper.

Both the Reading Evidence & Schematic Sketch are due on blog beginning of class,
Tuesday, September 8.

Hang original Schematic on Crit wall the beginning of class.

Phase II:

•  Edit and adjust your schematic content as necessary based upon class critique and discussion.
   Convert the schematic into a well-designed black and white text and outline info graphic
   Bring the working file to class on Thursday, as we will be adding color and inserting a design
   element into the process score then. 

Post your digital work in-progress on the blog by the beginning of class.

Phase III:

•  Edit, adjust and correct your Human Information Processing score as necessary. 

•  Incorporate a "designed object" (ad, logo, poster,etc) into the score – starting with the design
    being bottom-up processed by the Sensory Memory, next being processed in the Working
    Memory, with particular elements being retrieved from the Long Term Memory, and then,
    if it works with your design, respond to the designed object's message.

•  Finalize and tweek your design. Do not concern yourself with the interactive pdf file at
    this stage. We will incorporate that element into the project, once we are the score's
    are finalized.

Post your final score design on your blog, then print it out in color on an 11x17 sheet of paper 
and hang it on the crit wall – both by the beginning of class, Thursday, September 16th.

Design Components of a Successful Information Graphic
as Compiled by Class after Phase III Review of Class Project:

• Easy to Understand
• Has a Concept and/or Theme
• Well Crafted
• Relatable
• Fun
• Exhibits Visual Depth
• Has a Clear Starting Point
• Catches the Eye
• Thorough
• Informative
• Serial - Step by Step